How Good is Your Data?
We can help you to deliver maintenance plans and investment strategies based on accurate asset information.
To manage budgets, secure funding and to minimise unnecessary disruption to the highway user, it is essential that decision makers understand the true state of their network, including the complete range of highway infrastructure assets.
Our data partner Gaist, provides condition surveys that are changing the way local highways authorities view their most valuable asset. Focused on the delivery of information that enables informed decision making the data eliminates unnecessary complexity. This ensures effective interpretation of the data by all stakeholders (including Councillors and members of the public).
With the information our surveys provide actions can be taken to unlock efficiency and deliver improved network programmes.

We support customers with large and small scale data collection projects and undertake intense training to align the output with the local authorities needs.

In addition to walked surveys our video asset surveys provide a snapshot of the assets for future reference and also allow the collection of asset information at a later date.
Our video survey system records forward, backward, footpath and carriageway facing images every 0.5m to provide an unprecedented level of detail. The high definition imagery allows inspection of the surface of the carriageway and footway as well as other assets. With the ability to record safety defects and changes in the condition of the carriageway, all data links back to photographic, time-stamped evidence.
The system is accessed online through a standard desktop or phone browser with no special requirements allowing universal access.